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contoh kalimat corrugated furnace

"corrugated furnace" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • This series boiler employs fully corrugated furnace
    boiler seri ini menggunakan tungku bergelombang penuh
  • Strong Adaptability Diesel Fired Hot Water Boiler Corrugated Furnace ISO9001
    Adaptasi yang Kuat, Diesel Fired Boiler Air Panas, Corrugated Furnace ISO9001
  • 2. Low nitrogen corrugated furnace design is adopted to realize the automatic expansion of the boiler when heated, increase the heated area, and no pollution from waste gas emission.
    2. Desain tungku bergelombang nitrogen rendah diadopsi untuk mewujudkan ekspansi otomatis boiler ketika dipanaskan, menambah area yang dipanaskan, dan tidak ada polusi dari emisi gas buang.
  • 1. The corrugated furnace design increases the heating area of the furnace body, and the spiral bellows design improves the heat transfer efficiency by 1-2 times and eliminates the hidden danger of welding stress.
    1. Desain tungku bergelombang meningkatkan area pemanasan tubuh tungku, dan desain bellow spiral meningkatkan efisiensi perpindahan panas sebanyak 1-2 kali dan menghilangkan bahaya tersembunyi dari tekanan pengelasan.
  • 0.7MW to 17.5MW Industrial Water Boiler ISO9001 Quality Certificate Industrial Water Boiler Product Description 1. The fuel hot water boiler adopts full wet back structure design, adopts corrugated furnace and ... Read More
    0.7MW hingga 17.5MW Sertifikat Kualitas Air Boiler Industri ISO9001 Deskripsi Produk Boiler Air Industri 1. Boiler air panas bahan bakar mengadopsi desain struktur belakang basah penuh, mengadopsi tungku ... Read More
  • 1. The small gas boiler combustion chamber adopts corrugated furnace and low-position arrangement structure, which effectively increases the heat exchange area and reduces the adverse effects caused by the thermal expansion and contraction of the furnace.
    1. Ruang pembakaran boiler gas kecil mengadopsi tungku bergelombang dan struktur pengaturan posisi rendah, yang secara efektif meningkatkan area pertukaran panas dan mengurangi efek buruk yang disebabkan oleh ekspansi termal dan kontraksi tungku.